Figure 1A demonstrates learning scores for PD patients and controls in ON and OFF sessions. Mean learning scores, calculated as total number of items recalled on the final minus the first study-immediate recall trial, for the RAVLT and AFTL combined, are presented for PD and controls, in both sessions separately. For PD patients, scores in the ON medication session appear in red whereas those for the OFF session are presented in blue. Although control participants did NOT receive dopaminergic therapy during any session of the experiment, their data are presented here to correspond to the ON-OFF order of the PD patient to whom they were matched. Error bars represent standard errors about the mean (SEM). Figure 1B demonstrates recall performance for PD patients and controls in ON and OFF sessions. Mean number of items recalled after delay for Lists A and B on the RAVLT and AFLT combined, are presented for PD and control participants, separated by session. For PD patients, scores in the ON session appear in red whereas those for the OFF session are presented in blue. Although control participants did NOT receive dopaminergic therapy during any session of the experiment, their data are presented here to correspond to the ON-OFF order of the PD patient to whom they were matched. Error bars represent SEM. Figure 1C demonstrates recognition memory performance for PD patients and controls in ON and OFF sessions. Mean d' scores for List A and B items, recognized from newly-presented items after delay, for the RAVLT and AFLT combined, are presented for PD and control participants, separately for each session. For PD patients, scores in the ON session appear in red whereas those for the OFF session are presented in blue. Although control participants did NOT receive dopaminergic therapy during any session of the experiment, their data are presented here to correspond to the ON-OFF order of the PD patient to whom they were matched. Error bars represent SEM.