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. 2013 Sep 26;8(9):e75552. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075552

Table 2. Discounted additional costs.

millions) and quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained by progressively extending the vaccination catch-up programme against HPV (over a 100 year time horizon, and using a 3.5% discount rate for costs and benefits).

Incremental QALYs gained:
Vaccination Programme: Mean incremental QALYs gained (total) Mean incremental QALYs gained due to cancers prevented Mean incremental QALYs gained due to reduced treatment Median incremental QALYs
Ages 12-17 88,392* 52,313* 36,079* 90,108 (77,904-95,175)*
Ages 12-19 4,103 2,428 1,675 4,424 (3,980-8765)
Ages 12-24 7,979 4,722 3,257 8,318 (7,750-10,049)
Ages 12-29 4,927 2,916 2,011 5532 (5,169-6,623)
Ages 12-34 3,334 1,973 1,361 3,347 (3,101-4,136)

Incremental cost:
Vaccination Programme: Mean incremental cost of programme Mean incremental net cost Mean incremental cost saved Median incremental net cost
Ages 12-17 £884* £538* £336* £523 (514-565) *
Ages 12-19 £76 £57 £19 £55 (54-57)
Ages 12-24 £180 £145 £35 £144 (142-148)
Ages 12-29 £176 £162 £14 £160 (158-163)
Ages 12-34 £174 £172 £2 £172 (168-174)

The vaccine was assumed to cost £20 per dose, last an average of 20 years and provide protection to women with previous exposure to HPV (100% efficacy). The median and mean results are averaged across the estimates for different assumptions of natural immunity (the 1st and 3rd quartiles are shown in brackets). All programmes assume routine vaccine of 12-13 year old girls. QALY: Quality adjusted life year.

* Costs or benefits compared to a programme only using screening and treatment

Costs or benefits compared to the previous vaccination option i.e the next most expensive option