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. 2013 Aug 16;25(8):2848–2863. doi: 10.1105/tpc.113.112805

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Phenotypes of AmiRNA Lines Obtained with the AmiRNAs of the TPK Library, Which Show Gene Family–Linked Phenotypes Not Previously Described (See Supplemental Tables 5 and 6 Online for Details).

(A) Rosette, leaves, whole plant, and inflorescence of a representative line transformed with amiRNA-zfHD (predicted targets: ATHB22, ATHB23, ATHB25, ATHB26, ATHB27, ATHB29, ATHB30, ATHB33, and ATHB34; see Supplemental Table 5 online). The larger number of stems, larger number of flowers, and short siliques are typical for this amiRNA.

(B) Whole plant of a representative line transformed with amiRNA-M3K (predicted targets: AtMAP3Kδ1, AtMAP3Kδ3, AtMAP3Kδ5, AtMAP3Kθ1, AtMAP3Kθ2, AT1G73660, and AT1G18160; see Supplemental Table 5 online). In general, those plants were smaller than wild-type plants of the same age.

(C) Images of seeds germinating on plates containing 2 μM ABA at the indicated time points. Shown are representative lines of an amiRNA line targeting a set of seven M3Ks (amiRNA-M3K; top row). Wild-type control amiRNA targeting human myosin 2 (amiRNA-HsMYO, no target in Arabidopsis; middle row) and one amiRNA line targeting ABI5 (amiRNA-ABI5) as reference for insensitivity is shown in the other two rows.

(D) Average ratio of amiRNA-zfHD target gene expression levels in the wild type versus amiRNA-zfHD expressing plants as determined by quantitative real-time PCR (n = 4; the bars represent average ± sd).

(E) Average ratio of amiRNA-M3K target gene expression levels of amiRNA-M3K–expressing plants compared with the wild type as determined by quantitative real-time PCR (n = 4; the bars represent average ± sd).

(F) Time course of hypocotyl emergence in the presence of ABA for wild-type control (two lines; amiRNA targeting human myosin 2, no target in Arabidopsis; amiRNA-HsMYO), one amiRNA targeting ABI5 (four lines amiRNA-ABI5) as a reference for insensitivity, and amiRNA lines targeting seven mitogen-activated kinases (five lines). The bars represent average ± se for each amiRNA in percentage relative to the total number of seeds.

(G) Time course of germination in the presence of ABA for amiRNA lines targeting seven mitogen-activated kinases (amiRNA-M3K; five lines), one amiRNA targeting ABI5 (amiRNA-ABI5; four lines) as a reference for insensitivity and wild-type control (amiRNA targeting human myosin 2 [amiRNA-HsMYO], no target in Arabidopsis, two lines). The bars represent average ± se for each amiRNA in percentage relative to the total number of seeds.