Increased Drought Tolerance and Stomatal Closure in cau1 Is Attributed to CAS.
(A) to (D) Drought tolerance in wild-type (A), cau1
(B), cas-1
(C), and cau1 cas-1
(D) plants. Watering of 14-d-old plants was withheld for 12 d, and then plants were rewatered and allowed to recover for 1 week.
(E) Survival rates of plants exposed to drought stress in (A) to (D). Values are mean ± sd from three independent experiments.
(F) Stomatal assay of epidermis peeled directly from 22-d-old rosette leaves. Stomatal apertures were evaluated by stomata width/length. Values are mean ± sd (n ≥ 30). Different lowercase letters above the bars in (E) and (F) indicate statistically different averages at P < 0.05 in t tests.
(G) Water loss rate of 22-d-old wild-type, cau1, cas-1, and cau1 cas-1 plants. Values are mean ± sd calculated from three independent experiments, each containing data from six leaves.