Increased silencing in the absence of inositol and/or at 37 °C is dependent on Sir2p and Slt2p. Wild type, sir2Δ, and slt2Δ strains carrying the TELVR::URA3 construct were grown on I+ medium until mid-logarithmic phase, diluted back to A600 nm = 0.2 in I+ and I− media at 30 or 37 °C, and allowed to grow until an A600 nm of 1.0. Gene expression levels were examined by RT-PCR and calculated using the comparative CT method (ΔΔCT) as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The changes in URA3 expression levels are log2 ratios of the level of expression measured by RT-PCR in a specific strain, under the given growth condition, relative to URA3 expression in the control culture. The asterisk refers to the mRNA derived from the wild type control grown in I+NA+ medium at 30 °C and served as a reference (unit = 1) for measuring relative URA3 expression levels. A indicates the strains grown at 30 °C. B indicates the strains grown at 37 °C. Data represent the mean ± S.E. of three independent experiments, n = 3.