Vasoconstrictor responses in Dahl SS (n=7 and 5 for isolated VR and VR with mTAL, respectively) and SS.13BN (n=5 and 7 for isolated VR and VR with mTAL, respectively) outer medullary vasa recta to angiotensin II in the presence and absence of nearby nephron segments. The response of in vitro perfused VR from Dahl SS.13BN rats (left panel) and Dahl SS rats (right panel) is shown. x axis, time (mins) after administration of angiotensin II (1μM) to the bath media; y axis, % change in VR inner luminal diameter relative to mean of initial VR diameter measurements at 5min and 1min prior to angiotensin II administration (time=control); circles, isolated VR; squares, VR with nearby mTAL; Data are mean ± SE. *, p<0.05 for interaction between strain and response to angiotensin II by repeated measures ANOVA.