(A) Regeneration time course showing ovo expression after amputation of head and tail. Bottom panel is a magnified view of the anterior wound/blastema.
(B) ovo+ cells express the eye progenitor marker six-1/2 at early and late time points of regeneration (d2: 96% +/− 5% overlap, d7: 100% overlap, α = 0.05).
(C) ovo+ cells also express the eye progenitor marker eya (d2: 90% +/− 6% overlap, d7: 100% overlap, α =0.05).
(D) RNAi of ovo leads to failed eye regeneration (n=10/10). Dashed lines indicate approximate site of head amputation 12 days prior.
(E) ovo(RNAi) animals lack expression of ovo, tyrosinase, and Arrestin after head regeneration (n=10/10).
Scale bars, 200 µm (A), 50 µm (B,C,E), and 1 mm (D).