Table 1.
Summary of intervention components and implementation fidelity.
Intervention Components | Intended Delivery | Fidelity | % Received |
Telephone survey about the family’s recreation center use (10 minutes; prior to introductory workshop) |
1 | 203/272 | 75% |
Introductory group workshop at the recreation center (1½ hours; month 1 of intervention) |
1 | 155/272 | 57% |
Home visit (1 hour; within the first 6 months of intervention) |
1 | 248/272 | 91% |
Mailed tip sheets (approximately monthly during intervention) |
8 | 239/239 | 100% |
Phone consultations on tip sheet (10 minutes; twice per tip sheet) |
18 | 179/239 | 75% |
Group workshops at the recreation center (1½ hours; quarterly during intervention) |
3 | 143/239 | 60% |
Fidelity: number of participants that received the intended intervention component divided by total number of intervention participants.