Figure 1.
A) The elastic property of a biomaterial can be comprehensively expressed by the elastic modulus and the Poisson's ratio. Schematic shows a PPR material contracting transversally when axially stretched, while a NPR material expanding in both the axial and transverse directions. B) Schematic of the two-photon absorption process and the femtosecond laser fabrication set-up. C) Optical and confocal images of NPR and PPR suspended web structures with side supports using PEGDA biomaterial. D) AFM measurements using a 20 μ m bead measures the effective stiffness of NPR and PPR web structures in the z-direction. E) Re-entrant honeycomb configuration was adopted as the unit cell geometry for the NPR web, while an additional strut modification to the NPR structure served as the positive control. Schematic shows biaxial expansion of the NPR structure upon axial strains (arrows)