Fig. 2.
Host-species–specific bacterial communities remain stable in pairwise coculture. Pairwise cocultivations were conducted between the morphological distinguishable species H. vulgaris (AEP), H. oligactis, and H. viridissima. Bacterial communities were clustered using principle coordinate analysis of the weighted Unifrac distance matrix. The percent variation explained by the principle coordinates is indicated at the axes. Reads were rarified to 1,350 reads per sample. H.oli, Hydra oligactis; H.AEP, Hydra vulgaris (AEP); H.vir, Hydra viridissima; +, cocultured. For cocultivation samples, the sequenced sample in written bold. Cocultivations were conducted in biological triplicates (n = 3); n = 5 for noncocultivated polyps (H.oli, H.AEP, H.vir). Certain samples cluster strongly together such that single symbols may be overlaid.