Event‐related responses to naturalistic stimuli. A: Brain regions showing event‐related activation time‐locked to complex AEs. This revealed significant activation in bilateral STC. aL/aR: left‐/right‐hand side of the AE, irrespective of AV spatial alignment that was not significant in any of these areas. B: Brain regions showing event‐related activation time‐locked to complex/dynamic VEs. In the covert orienting condition (left panels), this revealed significant activation in striate and extrastriate visual cortex (including MT+), and in the PPC contralateral to the side of the VE. In the overt condition (right panels), the activation of striate cortex was now ipsilateral to the VE, whereas remained contralateral in higher‐order visual areas and PPC. vL/vR: left‐/right‐hand side of the VE, irrespective of AV spatial alignment that was not significant in any of these areas. NoS/S: videos presented without/with corresponding sounds. Activations are projected on the standard MNI template. Effect sizes are plotted in arbitrary units (a.u.); error bars are 90% confidence intervals.