Figure 5. Targeting EnvA-Δ G-RV-mCherry Infection to and Retrograde Spread from Excitatory Neurons in Mouse V1 using the LV/α CaMKII/YTB Vector.
Examples of the local and long range pattern of RV infected neurons (red) providing inputs to excitatory starter neurons (yellow) are shown in coronal sections through V1 in three mice, M12–15 (A–D), M12–09 (E–H), and M12–10 (I–L). In (A, E, and I), overlapping injection sites of LV/αCaMKII/YTB (green) and EnvA-ΔG-RV-mCherry (red) are shown at low magnification; Higher magnified images of the regions outlined by black or white rectangles are shown in (B, F, and I). Double labeled starter cells (yellow in B, F, and J) co-infected by LV (C, G and K) and RV (D, H and L), express YFP from LV infection and mCherry from RV infection. (M) (K) A representative reconstruction of the brain wide pattern of RV infected neurons (mCherry-expressing; red) providing direct inputs to excitatory starter cells (green) found in layers 2–6 of V1 is shown for mouse M12–09. The LV and RV injection sites are marked by thick black lines in sections 40 and 45. Inset images show RV infected neurons in V2L (sect. 49) and the lateral posterior nucleus (sect. 78). Other conventions are as in Fig. 4. Scale bars = 200 μm in (A, E and I), 50 μm in (B, F, L and M inset), and 1 mm in (M). See also Fig. S3.