Figure 3. Co-administration of MPEP and LY367385 reduces the increased levels of calpain after PT.
(A) Western blot images of calpain expressions from the brain cortex at 0.5, 1, 2.5, 7, 14 and 21 days after PT. (B) Time course of calpain levels based on Western blot analysis after PT. β-actin was used as an internal control. Calpain expression levels were normalized to the level of mice with saline injection. N=4 mice for each time point. (C) Western blot images of calpain expressions from the brain cortex of mice injected with saline, and MPEP and LY367385 1 day after ischaemia. (D) The effect of MPEP and LY367385 injections on calpain after ischaemia. Calpain expression levels were normalized to the level of the ipsilateral side of mice with saline injections. N=8 mice for each group. *P<0.05, t test. C, contralateral site; I, ipsilateral side.