Dramatic reduction of Bcl10-deficient anergic B cells in IgHELsHEL mouse model. Splenocytes from Bcl10+/+IgHEL, Bcl10-/-IgHEL, Bcl10+/+IgHELsHEL and Bcl10-/-IgHEL sHEL transgenic mice were stained with antibodies to B220, IgM, CD93 and CD23. A, FACS analysis with B220 and IgM staining of lymphocytes. Percentages indicate B220+ cells in the gated lymphoid populations. B, Bar graphs show the percentages (upper) and numbers (lower) of total splenic B cells in the spleens of the indicated mice. C, Splenic B cell subpopulations. Upper: FACS analysis with B220 and CD93 staining of lymphocytes. Middle: FACS analysis with IgM and CD23 staining of B220+CD93+-gated cells. Lower: FACS analysis with IgM and CD23 staining of B220+CD93--gated cells. Percentages indicate cells in the gated lymphoid populations. D, Bar graphs show the numbers of CD93+ An1 anergic B cells in the spleens of the indicated mice. Data shown are obtained from 11 (A and B), 3 (C) or 4 (D) mice in each group. Error bars show ± SD. *, P < 0.01; **, P = 0.01.