Figure 2.
WldS mutation retains ATP and plasma membrane potential in axons exposed to energy deprivation. A and B, ATP levels in the cell (A) and axon (B) compartment ([ATP]cell and [ATP]axon) of either WT or WldS culture before (control) or right after 30 min energy deprivation (energy deprivation). The data were normalized by beta-actin contents in the respective samples. *, P < 0.01, compared to WT control group; †, P < 0.05 compared to WT energy deprivation group. The data were acquired from approximately 10 samples per group. C and D, Changes in Dibac4(3) fluorescence intensities (DFIs) in WT and WldS axons during rest and potassium depolarization (C) or energy deprivation (D). Dibac4(3) is a voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye. DFI rises in response to plasma membrane depolarization.