Figure 4.
The Cnot genes maintain self-renewal by repressing early trophectoderm (TE) transcription factors. (A): Cnot1, Cnot2, and Cnot3 knockdown did not immediately affect known self-renewal factors and pathways. Oct4GiP cells were transfected with control-siRNA (Control), Cnot1-siRNA1 (Cnot1-KD), Cnot2-siRNA2 (Cnot2-KD), or Cnot3-siRNA2 (Cnot3-KD) in M15 medium. Cells were collected 48 hours after transfection, and total Stat3, Smad1, b-Catenin as well as phospho-Stat3, phospho-Smad1, phosphor-b-Catenin, Oct4, and Nanog levels were determined by Western blot. Starved: control-transfected ESCs cultured in serum-free and LIF-free medium for additional 4 hours. (B): Comparing gene expression changes caused by perturbations of known self-renewal factors: Cnot1, 2, and 3 silencing induced similar changes to those of Oct4 or Sox2 silencing. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated between microarray datasets and depicted in a heatmap. The self-renewal factors were clustered by unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on the correlation coefficients. Microarray datasets used for this plot are listed in Supporting Information Table 2. (C): Cnot2 or Cnot3 overexpression cannot rescue Oct4 or Sox2 silencing-induced differentiation. Oct4GiP cells and Oct4GiP cells overexpressing Cnot2 (Cnot2-Rescue, same as in Fig. 1C) or Cnot3 (Cnot3-Rescue, same as in Fig. 1C) were transfected with control, Oct4 (Oct4-KD), or Sox2 (Sox2-KD) siRNAs, and the % differentiation was determined by the Oct4GiP reporter assay. (D): Cnot1, Cnot2, and Cnot3 knockdown induced TE differentiation in the presence of sustained Oct4 expression. ZHBTc4 cells that constitu-tively express Oct4 at the normal level from a Tet-Off promoter were transfected with control or Cnot1-siRNA1 (Cnot1-KD), Cnot2-siRNA2 (Cnot2-KD), Cnot3-siRNA2 (Cnot3-KD), and the expression of TE markers Cdx2 and Gata3 was determined by qRT-PCR after 4 days. (E): Cdx2 deletion partially rescued Cnot1, Cnot2, and Cnot3 silencing-induced differentiation. Oct4GiP (WT) or dKO23-5 (Cdx2-/- ) cells were transfected with Control-siRNA (Control), Cnot1-siRNA1 (Cnot1-KD), Cnot2-siRNA2 (Cnot2-KD), or Cnot3-siRNA2 (Cnot3-KD), and the expression of lineage markers was determined by qRT-PCR 96-hour after transfection. Abbreviations: ESC, embryonic stem cell; KD, Knockdown; WT, wild type.