Investigation of residual levels of correct mRNA forms.
(A) Separation on a denaturing capillary system (automated ABI-3100) of fluorescently labelled RT-PCR products (1 μl of 1:100 diluted reaction) obtained from total RNA of cells expressing pIVS6-wt (top) or the pIVS6 + 1T. The fragment sizes of the normal (I) and exon 6 skipped (II) transcript forms were 324 bp and 214 bp, respectively.
The magnified lower panel highlights the 30 bp deleted FVII transcript (III; asterisk).
The inset in the upper panel reports a magnified view of the chromatogram.
The scheme of transcripts and of primers (arrows) is depicted at the bottom.
(B) Radioactively labelled RT-PCR products (12% polyacrylamide gel).
The normal (I) and the 30 bp deleted (III; asterisk) FVII transcripts are indicated. The scheme of transcripts and of primers (arrows) is reported at the bottom together with the sequence of the 30 bp deleted transcript.