Figure 7.
RCBM peptides support both high-affinity and low-affinity binding of Ca2+/CaM. (A) Dose–response relations for the binding of Ca2+/CaM to Badan-labeled ANO 1 RCBM peptide. Replacing nonpolar residues in the proximal (m2,6) or distal (m15,20) sections of the RCBM sequence induces a shift of the dose response relation to 100-fold higher Ca2+ concentrations. (B) In the ANO 2 peptide, mutation of the proximal section caused a 30-fold right-shift of the dose–response relation, whereas the distal mutations caused only a small shift into the same direction. (C) Ca2+ dependence of the association of CaM mutants with the ANO 1 peptide. Both the N-terminal lobe of CaM (intact in CaM34) and the C-terminal lobe (intact in CaM12) are able to support high-affinity binding to the RCBM peptide. The Ca2+-free CaM mutant CaM1234 does not bind. (D) The single-lobe CaM mutants also bind with high affinity to the RCBM peptide of ANO 2. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.