Figure 5.
Negative correlation of Cav1 CGI shore methylation and Cav1 expression. (a) Integrated methylation results of 30 breast cancer cell lines. The x-axis represents nucleotide position according to human reference genome (hg18). The y-axis represents read density of CpG methylation level: the green line shows the methylation results of 18 basal-like breast cancer cell lines and the red line indicates the methylation results of 12 luminal breast cancer cell lines. The Cav1 transcription start site is indicated by the orange triangle. The location of the Cav1 CGI is indicated by the black line. The box-and-whisker plot displays Cav1 expression level in all basal-like cell lines (green bar) and luminal cell lines (red bar). **P<0.01. (b) Bar plot of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) showing the strength of the negative correlation between Cav1 expression and methylation on CGI, CGI shore within 500 bp, and CGI shore within 2 kb. All three correlations were significantly negative (P<0.05), but only methylation of CGI shore within 500 bp showed a strong negative association with Cav1 expression (r<−0.7).