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. 2013 Oct 1;347:f5446. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f5446

Table 1.

 Characteristics of participating cohorts

Cohort and size Enrolment period Mean follow-up (years) Mean age (years) at baseline Mean BMI Male sex
Ever smokers (%) CVD deaths
Total No Stroke related (%) CHD related (%) Other (%)
East Asians (n=835 082) 1963-2006 11.0 54.63 23.1 47.9 40.0 40 791 45.2 23.4 31.4
China (mainland)
 CHEFS49 (n=154 791) 1990-92 7.3 55.40 22.6* 48.9 37.9 8106 48.4 15.5 36.1
 SCS50 (n=18 100) 1986-89 16.5 55.26 22.2 100.0 57.3 1686 61.7 26.6 11.7
 SMHS51 (n=61 501) 2001-06 3.2 54.88 23.7* 100.0 69.6 297 47.1 33.7 19.2
 SWHS52 (n=74 942) 1996-2000 8.7 52.13 24.0* 0.0 2.8 804 56.3 22.0 21.6
 CBCSP53 (n=23 820) 1991-92 15.4 47.35 24.0* 50.3 28.9 558 46.6 28.5 24.9
 CVDFACTS54 (n=5160) 1990-93 15.0 47.08 23.7* 44.1 24.8 220 54.1 22.7 23.2
 Singapore Chinese Health Study† (n=63 257) 1993-99 11.6 56.51 23.1 44.2 30.6 3708 27.5 56.9 15.6
 KMCC55 (n=16 013) 1993-2004 6.59 55.6 23.7 39.7 36.4 330 55.45 22.7 21.82
 Seoul Male Cohort Study (n=14 533) 1992-93 14.8 49.20 23.4 100 77.2 155 43.23 34.8 21.94
 Three Prefecture Cohort Study Aichi56 (n=33 529) 1985 11.7 56.42 22.1 47.0 50.7 2209 39.3 18.4 42.3
 JACC57 (n=86 682) 1988-90 12.8 57.59 22.8 41.8 38.6 3981 46.2 20.2 33.6
 JPHC158 (n=43 096) 1990-92 14.6 49.59 23.6 47.9 40.2 888 45.3 21.4 33.3
 JPHC258 (n=56 572) 1992-95 11.6 54.27 23.5 47.4 40.1 1372 41.2 25.3 33.4
 Three Prefecture Cohort Study Miyagi59 (n=31 345) 1984 11.5 57.32 23.3 44.6 43.0 2662 48.7 19.2 32.2
 Miyagi Cohort Study59 (n=47 605) 1990 12.9 52.14 23.6 48.0 50.0 705 43.7 25.4 30.9
 Ohsaki National Health Insurance60 (n=51 253) 1995 9.9 60.51 23.5 47.9 48.6 2432 46.8 21.8 31.4
 RERF cohort61 (n=52 883) 1963-93 22.0 51.82 22.0 38.7 43.8 10 678 45.1 20.1 34.9
South Asians (n=289 815) 1991-2002 6.4 49.72 22.0 49.3 21.7 8393 26.1 58.3 15.7
 Mumbai Cohort Study62 (n=146 827) 1991-97 5.3 50.82 22.3* 59.6 18.9 4008 19.6 55.3 25.1
 TOCS trial63 (n=131 242) 1995-2002 7.6 49.62 21.8* 38.5 23.5 4209 32.3 62.8 4.9
Bangladesh (HEALS)64 (n=11 746) 2000-02 6.7 37.06 19.8* 42.9 35.5 176 24.4 17.6 58.0
Total (east and south Asians) (n=1 124 897) 1963-2006 9.7 53.42 22.8 47.6 34.4 49 184 41.9 29.3 28.8

HEALS=Health Effects of Arsenic Longitudinal Study; CHEFS=China National Hypertension Survey Epidemiology Follow-up Study; SCS=Shanghai Cohort Study; SMHS=Shanghai Men’s Health Study; SWHS=Shanghai Women’s Health Study; CBCSP=Community-based Cancer Screening Project study; CVDFACTS=CardioVascular Disease risk FACtor Two-township Study; KMCC=Korea Multi-center Cancer Cohort; JACC=Japan Collaborative Cohort Study; JPHC=Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study on Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases; RERF=Radiation Effects Research Foundation cohort; TOCS=Trivandrum Oral cancer Screening trial.

*BMI estimated using weight and height measured at enrolment. For other studies, weight and height were self reported.

†Included only people from the two major dialect groups of Chinese in Singapore—that is, the Hokkien and Cantonese, who originated from the contiguous provinces of Fujian and Guangdong in the southern part of China, respectively.