Long-lived histones at 6 months. (A) Long-lived histone octamer. Schematic of the histone octamer, and 15N fractional abundance at 6-months post-chase for indicated histones. For H2A and H2B, the 15N fractional abundance was calculated from peptides that map to representative core (not variant) histones, and H3 fractional abundance determined from peptides common to all three major H3 variants (H3.1, H3.2, H3.3). (B-E) Example histone MS1 traces. MS1 elution profiles are plotted as described earlier from 6-months post-chase brain tissue for, (B) the single unique peptide for histone H3.1, (C) histone H4, (D) histone H2A variants H2A.z and H2A.x, and (E) H1 variants H1.0, H1.1, H1.5, and H1.2.