Figure 1. Hematoxylin-eosin staining of hepatic tissues in each group of rats.
With the consumption of high-fat diet, hepatocellular steatosis, ballooning degeneration, lobular inflammation, spotty focal necrosis were gradually shown in the hepatic lobule, especially in zone 3 of acinus. At the end of 8th week, simple steatosis appeared with no inflammatory cell infiltration. At the end of 16th week, steatohepatitis established with inflammatory cell infiltration and spotty focal necrosis (B). At the end of 24th week, numerous polymorphs and mononuclear cells infiltration and portal inflammation were frequently observed (C). These changes were improved in the liver of simvastatin-treated rats (D). A: Control ×200; B: 16th week ×200; C: 24th week ×200; D: Simvastatin-treated group ×200.