Standard only (said no to all nonstandard) |
0.27 |
Mother worked nights |
0.08 |
Mother worked evenings |
0.16 |
Mother worked weekends |
0.24 |
Mother worked different times each week |
0.15 |
Mother worked 0 hours (unemployed) |
0.40 |
Mother worked 1–19 hours per week |
0.04 |
Mother worked 20–34 hours per week |
0.12 |
Mother worked 35–44 hours per week |
0.34 |
Mother worked 45+ hours per week |
0.09 |
Mother is white |
0.22 |
Mother is Black |
0.51 |
Mother is Hispanic |
0.24 |
Mother is “other” race |
0.03 |
Mother’s age |
29.18 |
6.14 |
Mother has less than high school |
0.26 |
Mother has high School/GED |
0.27 |
Mother has some college or technical school |
0.34 |
Mother has a college degree or more |
0.13 |
Mom on welfare in past year |
0.22 |
Father’s age (baseline) |
27.60 |
7.07 |
Father has less than high school (baseline) |
0.32 |
Father has High School/GED (baseline) |
0.36 |
Father has some college or technical school (baseline) |
0.21 |
Father has college degree or more (baseline) |
0.11 |
Mother married to child’s bio dad |
0.31 |
Mother married to partner (not child’s bio dad) |
0.02 |
Mother cohabits with child’s bio dad |
0.18 |
Mother cohabits with partner (not child’s bio dad) |
0.10 |
Number of kids < 18 in HH |
2.47 |
1.36 |
Presence of grandparent in the HH |
0.14 |
Presence of other adult (sibling, aunt/uncle, cousin, unrelated adult) |
0.16 |
Child is male |
0.52 |
Child’s age (years) |
4.01 |
1.09 |
Child low birthweight |
0.10 |
Child physical disability |
0.03 |
HH income in tens of thousands (baseline measure) |
3.22 |
3.14 |
Mother’s WAIS-R |
6.81 |
2.64 |
Harsh parenting (factor score) |
0.03 |
1.00 |
Mother’s depression (age 1) |
0.13 |
0.34 |
Mother’s generalized anxiety (age 1) |
0.03 |
Focal child’s father ever in jail (age 3) |
0.45 |
Mother smoked during pregnancy (baseline) |
0.19 |
Mother received no or late prenatal care (baseline) |
0.06 |
Mother born in US (baseline) |
0.88 |
Mother considered abortion (baseline) |
0.28 |
Mother lived in public housing (baseline) |
0.11 |
Aggressive CBCL (standardized) |
0.00 |
1.00 |
Anxious/Depressed CBCL (standardized) |
0.00 |
1.00 |
n (person-years pooled across age 3 and age 5) |
4734 |