Figure 6.
Characterization of heterogeneous Ca2+ flashes show fewer pde6cw59 mutant cones with frequent flash patterns. Individual cones from kymographs of the rapid 5 s time-lapse imaging experiments were analyzed and categorized according to their pattern of GCaMP3 flashes. (a–d) Representative graphs and kymograph segments of GCaMP3 flash patterns in both the cell body (CB) and synapse (syn) of cones. Flashing cells were categorized into four main categories: ‘infrequent rapid' (a), ‘infrequent mixed' (b), ‘frequent' (c), and ‘frequent extended' (d). See text for more details regarding flash categorization. (e) Graph showing the percentage of various categories of flashing cells in both pde6cw59 mutant and non-mutant (WT/het) cones. The ‘other' category consists of a small number of non-flashing cells that showed persistent increasing or decreasing GCaMP3 fluorescence throughout the duration of the time-lapse (e). Overall, fewer cells exhibiting Ca2+ flashes were observed in pde6cw59 mutants than in WT/het larval retinas (‘Flashing (All)'), largely due to a reduction in the ‘frequent' category. No significant difference in mutant and non-mutant cones was observed in the other categories. For pde6cw59mutants: n=447 cells; 11 fish. For WT/het: n=263 cells; six fish. Bars=S.E.M.