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. 2013 Jun 6;8(10):1783–1790. doi: 10.2215/CJN.02180213

Table 1.

Policies to promote palliative care for patients with ESRD

Policy Barrier Addressed Stakeholders Examples of Implementation
Universal screening for palliative care needs Access Nephrologists, dialysis providers, insurers, clinical organizations Screen patients with the surprise question at dialysis initiation and at hospital admissions
Standardized symptom assessments and treatment algorithms for pain, depression, and sleep disorders
Incorporate palliative care measures in the ESRD QIP Access Nephrologists, dialysis providers, CMMS Documentation of the advance care plan or surrogate decision maker in the medical record
Train the nephrology workforce to deliver palliative care Capacity Fellowship programs, accreditation organizations, professional societies Enhance palliative care content and assess competencies in nephrology fellowship curriculum
Emphasize palliative care training for dialysis nurses, social workers, and pharmacists
Payment reforms for palliative care services Capacity CMMS Shared-savings model (i.e., including non-ESRD services in the “bundle”)
Concurrent dialysis and hospice care
Reimbursement for time-intensive services such as advance care planning
Fund palliative care research Evidence base Funding agencies, professional societies Joint NIH/CMMS/VA funding of high-priority palliative care trials
Dedicated funding streams for junior and midcareer palliative care researchers
Multi-institution ESRD palliative care research collaboratives

QIP, Quality Incentive Program; CMMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; NIH, National Institutes of Health; VA, Veterans Affairs.