A. Cardiac specific overexpression of wild type CaP60A (tinC–wtCaP60A) or mutant CaP60Akum170 (tinC-CaP60Akum170) in Drosophila is not sufficient to phenocopy the paralysis phenotype of the global CaP60A
kum170 mutant. Each mutant had two copies of the transgene; B. Representative OCT images from transgenic CaP60A overexpression flies in comparison to w
1118 and global CaP60A
kum170. 125 micron standard and one-second bars are shown. C. Heart rate, D. End diastolic dimensions (EDD), E. Fractional shortening (%) in w
1118, tinC–wtCaP60A and tinC-CaP60A
kum170 and CaP60A
kum170 at baseline and after 10-minute heat shock. No significant differences were noted in the heart rate in either tinC–wtCaP60A or tinC-CaP60A
kum170 at baseline and after heat shock compared to w
1118. *p<0.05, **p<0.005 vs. w
1118 no heat shock, #p<0.05, # # p<0.005 vs. w
1118 with heat shock, † p<0.0001 vs. w
1118 with heat shock, tinC-CaP60A
kum170 with heat shock, tinC-CaP60A
kum170 with heat shock and CaP60A
kum170 no heat shock by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test.