Fig. 5.
Quantifications of huα-syn-positive cells in different structures 1.5 h after injection into the OB. a Number of positive mitral cells in the ipsilateral OB at 90 min (H = 9.846, P < 0.01, post hoc test: monomers/fibrils P < 0.01). Positive cells in the ipsilateral anterior olfactory nucleus (iAON), ipsilateral frontal cortex (iFC) (b); ipsilateral tenia tecta (iTT), olfactory tubercle (iOTu), piriform cortex (iPC), and striatum (iStr) (c); ipsilateral amygdala (iAm) and contralateral tenia tecta (cTT), anterior olfactory nucleus (cAON) and frontal cortex (cFC) (d). e Time evolution of α-syn transfer and clearance in the ipsilateral piriform cortex. Scatter plots show data from individual mice. Black symbols represent animals that were excluded due technical issues during injection