Fig. 3.
Projected changes from hydropower in annual minimum and maximum water level and flood extent on elevation profile of transect T4. Blue lines indicate the historical min/max water levels and flood extend, whereas the red dashed lines indicate the projected conditions under a future hydropower scenario. The thick brown line is terrain elevation, black dots over it are sampling plot locations, and capital letters represent habitat or soil types. Habitat groups based on Arias et al. (2012) and changes in water levels based on maximum hydropower potential in the Mekong Basin (Lauri et al. 2012). C Clay, SC sandy clay, SCL sandy clay loam, SL sandy loam, L loam, LS loamy sand, OF open forest, CF closed forest, S flooded shrubland, TS tall shrubland, FR floating rice, AF abandoned field, VC village crop, R wet season rice