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. 2013 Aug 5;122(14):2453–2459. doi: 10.1182/blood-2013-04-494930

Table 1.

Deep amplicon results from 13 subclinical cases

Sample ID Mutation in ARMS-PCR screening Genomic coordinates Deep sequencing somatic variant result Percent of mutant variant reads Percent of next “noise” variant read Coverage Diagnosis
UPN92 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Positive 1.8 0.002 2318 MDS
UPN10 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Positive 13.2 0.002 5271 MDS
UPN28 DG61Y chrl7:40474420 Positive 0.5 0.01 2585 AA
UPN11 D661Y chrl7:40474419 Positive 5.4 0.01 7413 MDS
UPN2 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Positive 0.9 0.002 17 200 AA
UPN1 Y640F chrl7:40474482 Positive 1.7 0.003 9032 AA
UPN3 Y640F chr17:40474482 Positive 0.3 0.0004 2352 AA
UPN22 Y640F chrl7:40474482 Negative 0.00008 0.003 12 306 MDS
UPN52 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Negative 0.6 1.3 14 680 MDS
UPN57 Y640F chrl7:40474482 Negative 0 0 1335 AA
UPN72 Y640F chrl7:404744S2 Negative 0 0.002 17 562 AA
UPN60 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Negative 0.6 1.4 23 012 AA
UPN32 D661Y chrl7:40474420 Negative 0.6 1.4 5620 AA

Six cases were considered ARMS-PCR false positives because either no variant reads were found or the number of reads was under the set detection threshold as defined by the noise level (multiple bases calls). The percentage of next “noise” variant reads corresponds to the base calls considered background errors (different from the reference or the known somatic mutated variant). Coverage indicates the numbers of reads generated in every case.