Figure 4.
Influence of the proportion of terrestrial habitat within the falcon's pseudo home range (PHR) on (A) the isotopic signature of peregrine falcon nestlings and (B) the relative contribution of their potential prey species to their diet for summer 2008 near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada. Left panel (A): circles represent young falcons sampled up to three times during the nestling period, and arrows represent their potential prey species gathered in three clusters (mean ± standard deviation). The intensity of gray shading within each circle is proportional to the amount of terrestrial habitat within the falcon's pseudo home range, from all black (0%) to all white (100%). Data are corrected for isotopic discrimination for δ13C and δ15N. Right panel (B): Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) output distributions of the relative contribution of marine birds, terrestrial insectivores and terrestrial herbivores in the reconstructed diet of peregrine falcon nestlings. Boxplot showed the 5, 25, 75 and 95 credible intervals (white marks, dark grey, light gray and white boxes, respectively) of the SIAR posterior probability distributions.