Figure 3.
Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes (N = 105) underwent 12 to 16 weeks of moderate-intensity exercise training, 5 days per week, 60 minutes per day. Relationships between variables were analyzed by linear regression. (A) and (B) demonstrate that a greater training-induced increase in first- and second-phase GSIS (x-axis) was related to a greater training-induced decrease in 2-hour plasma glucose measured during OGTT (y-axis). (C) and (D) indicate that larger preintervention first- and second-phase GSIS (x-axis) were associated with larger training-induced improvements in oral glucose tolerance (y-axis). (E) and (F) show that poorer preintervention glycemic control, as indicated by high HbA1c (x-axis), was correlated with poorer training-induced improvements in the DI (y-axis). First-phase GSIS is measured as the area under the serum C-peptide response curve during the first 30 minutes following the ingestion of 75 g glucose. Second-phase GSIS is measured as the area under the C-peptide curve from 30 to 120 minutes after glucose ingestion. DI is calculated as the product of GSIS and insulin sensitivity.