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. 2013 Oct;20(10):714–737. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2013.0084

Algorithm 4: RemoveComplexBulges

1: procedure RemoveComplexBulges
2: globalG
3: for allInline graphicdo             ▹ s ranges over vertices in the condensed graph
4:  B ← {s}
5:  whileB ⊂ D(s) do
6:   Let v be the closest vertex to s that is in D(s) but not in B
7:   B = Closure(s, B ∪ {v})
8:   if height of B is larger than 250 orB contains more than 500 vertices then
9:    break
10:   end if
11:   ifG[B] is not a tree then                           ▹ Condition D1
12:    (S, g) ← ConstructSkeleton(B)
13:    ifS is a tree then             ▹ Necessary condition for B to have a proper skeleton
14:     j ← ConstructProperSkeleton(s, G[B], S, g)
15:     if the ConstructProperSkeleton procedure succeeded then          ▹ Condition D2
16:      Replace G[B] with a tree j(S)             ▹ Project bulge onto a proper skeleton
17:      break
18:     end if
19:    end if
20:   end if
21:  end while
22: end for
23: end procedure