Table 2.
Groups | Acquisition Day 2 |
Extinction Day 3 |
Ctx Ext Days 4–6 |
Test Ctx Days 7–8 |
Test X Day 9 |
ABA-NoCtxExt | (6 X+)A / (−)C | (24 X−)B | Handling | (−)A | XA |
ABC-NoCtxExt | (6 X+)A / (−)C | (24 X−)B | Handling | (−)A | XC |
ABA-CtxExt | (6 X+)A / (−)C | (24 X−)B | (−)A / (−)C | (−)A | XA |
ABC-CtxExt | (6 X+)A / (−)C | (24 X−)B | (−)A / (−)C | (−)A | XC |
Note: ABC = acquisition, extinction and testing all occurred in separate contexts; ABA = acquisition and testing occurred in the same context, but extinction of the CS occurred in a different context; CtxExt = context extinction treatment; X = Clicks; + = unconditioned stimulus presentation; − = no nominal stimulus presentation; A = Context A; B = Context B; C = Context C.