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. 2011 Jul 15;50(6):1114–1121. doi: 10.1007/s13197-011-0445-6

Table 3.

Carbon source utilization of the isolates L .plantarum (IB-1) and L .lactis (IB-2)

Strain Carbon source Identified species
Mal Xyl Cel Ara Tre Sal Sor Suc Raf Rha Mant Mann Meli Gal
IB-1 + V V V + + + + + + + + + + Lactobacillus plantarum
IB-2 + V + + + + + V Lactococcus lactis

Mal maltose; Xyl xylose; Cel cellibiose; Ara arabinose; Tre trehalose; Sal salicilin; Sor sorbitol; Suc sucrose; Raf raffinose; Rha rhamnose; Mant mannitol; Mann mannose; Meli mellibiose; Gal galactose.

V Variable

(n = 3)