Table 1.
Y Chromosome Diversity within 18 Jewish and Non-Jewish Populations
Jewish Data Set |
Host and Non-Jewish Data Set |
Populationa | n | hb (SE) | Populationc | n | hb (SE) | Differenced |
AshJ | 78 | .973 (.0091) | Ger | 88 | .968 (.0080) | ns |
MorJ | 176 | .980 (.0034) | Ber | 60 | .876 (.0372) | s (other) |
IrqJ | 57 | .969 (.0103) | Syr | 72 | .979 (.0091) | ns |
IrnJ | 77 | .891 (.0297) | … | … | … | … |
GeoJ | 70 | .940 (.0126) | Geo | 106 | .975 (.0075) | s |
BkhJ | 36 | .933 (.0249) | Ubk | 40 | .990 (.0091) | s |
YemJ | 66 | .970 (.0094) | Yem | 62 | .977 (.0074) | ns |
EthJ | 51 | .946 (.0173) | Eth | 193 | .972 (.0040) | ns |
IndJ | 76 | .948 (.0099) | Hin | 41 | .978 (.0123) | ns |
… | … | … | IsrA/Pal | 143 | .970 (.0079) | … |
Mean | .950 | .965 |
AshJ = Askenazic Jews; MorJ = Moroccan Jews; IrqJ = Iraqi Jews; IrnJ = Iranian Jews; GeoJ = Georgian Jews; BkhJ = Bukharan Jews; YemJ = Yemeni Jews; EthJ = Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel); and IndJ = Indian Jews (Bene Israel).
h = unbiased gene diversity (Nei 1987) based on unique event polymorphism+ microsatellite haplotypes; 462 haplotypes were seen in the combined data set. Standard errors (in parentheses) are based on bootstrap resampling according to observed population frequencies.
Host and non-Jewish data sets are paired with Jewish data sets on same row. Ger = Germans; Ber = Berbers; Syr = Syrians; Geo = Georgians; Ubk = Uzbekistanis; Yem = Yemenis; Eth = Ethiopians; Hin = Indian Hindus; and IsrA/Pal = Israeli Arabs/Palestinians.
s = the difference in h between Jewish and host data sets is significant (P<.05, on the basis of estimated bootstrap variances); ns = not significant; s (other) = Moroccan Jews are significantly more diverse than Berbers.