Figure 5.
Deutocerebrum and the deutocerebral chemosensory lobe. (A) DC and TC as shown in anti-RF and anti-SYN labeling. The DCL protrudes laterally from the DC, flanking the LAN. (B) The distal antennal segment bearing several tufts composed of 3 accessory setae and 2 aesthetascs (inset) giving rise to A1Nv; UV-autofluorescence. (C) Horizontal paraffin section of the DC showing innervation of DCL by A1Nv (dotted circle), cluster (9/11) and (10), and the LAN. (D) The DCL as reveal in anti-AST and anti-SYN labeling showing its glomerular organization surrounding the cN. A1Nv sends off two branches into the DC, presumptive chemosensory afferents (cA) innervate the og from the periphery (arrowhead) but also from the center (double arrowhead). Another branch proceeds toward the LAN and carries mechanosensory afferents (mA) and probably also efferents. A cluster of local interneurons (9/11) is located posteriolateral to the DCL and sends out neurites into the DCL through a lateral foramen (lF; not visible in this section plane). Output is provided by projection neurons (PNT) through a medial foramen (mF). (E) Close up of a single glomerulus illustrating the subdivision into a cap region showing intensive neuropeptide-ir and a base with a predominant anti-SYN labeling. (F) Volume rendering of image-stack shown in (E), showing that the center of the glomerulus is devoid of neuropeptides-ir while the periphery is intensively stained. (G) 5HTir of the DCL's surface showing a single prominent serotonergic neurite with multiglomerular innervations.