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. 2013 Sep 17;2013:243168. doi: 10.1155/2013/243168

Table 3.

Colposcopic findings of the study population (230).

Histological diagnosis Normal Colposcopic findings
Mosaic Punctation Atypical vessels Schiller's positive Unsatisfactory Total
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Normal (%) 50 50
Inflammatory (%) 63 (100) 06 (9.52) 08 (12.69) 14 (22.22) 63
CIN-I (%) 60 (100) 15 (25) 22 (36.6) 36 (60) 02 (3.33) 60
CIN-II (%) 30 (100) 14 (46.6) 16 (53.3) 02 (6.67) 19 (63.3) 30
CIN-III (%) 16 (100) 06 (37.5) 04 (25) 02 (12.5) 16 (100) 06 (37.5) 16
Carcinoma (%) 11 (100) 11 (100) 11 (100) 11 (100) 11 (100) 11