Topographic mapping and enhanced induction of the cis-NF-κBEGFP transgene in liver tissue after H/R following pair-feeding with the EtOH-diet (EtOH). NF-κB-dependent EGFP expression in livers from cis-NF-κBEGFP mice, prepared as described in Figure 2, was assessed using fluorescence microscopy. Panels A, C and E depict livers that received control diet (Ctrl) and panels B, D and F depict livers from mice that received the EtOH-diet at 2 or 24 h either after sham or H/R procedures. Immunohistochemistry for GFP mirrored NF-κB transcriptional activity of pair-fed mice at 24 h following sham procedure (panels G and H) or H/R (panels I and J). (K) GFP-positive cells were counted (panel K); *P < 0.05 versus 24 h H/R and sham-operated group; #P < 0.05 vs. group fed control diet; §P < 0.05 versus 2 h H/R and sham operation. Bar equals 100 μm (panels A–F) and 200 μm (panels G–J), n = 7–9.