Figure 3.
Amplification plots of quantitative RT-PCR of cDNA from fibroblasts of the individual with t(4;15) and fibroblasts of a normal control for three transcripts: A, IPW; B, U21 snoRNA; C, PWCR1/HBII-85 snoRNAs. The Y-axis is the amount of fluorescence. The X-axis is the PCR cycle number. Each +RT reaction was done in triplicate, but not all individual plots can be distinguished, because they are superimposed. IPW and PWCR1/HBII-85: t(4;15) +RTs are shown in red, yellow, and green; −RTs are shown in red and dark blue. The −RT reactions, performed in parallel, gave similar results for both cell types and have not been labeled individually. In all cases, a no-DNA control was included. The CT values of these reactions were generally >40, but, with IPW primers, the value was 39. Samples with more starting cDNA of a transcript cross CT at a lower PCR cycle (e.g., the t(4;15) fibroblasts have more U21 cDNA than do the control fibroblasts).