Basic search
1. exp “ethnic, racial and religious groups”/or exp “ethnic or racial aspects”/or exp minority group/or racial group*. ti,ab. or minority group*. ti,ab. or ethnic*. ti,ab. or Moroc*. ti,ab. or Turk*. ti,ab. or Surinam*. ti,ab. or Antill*. ti,ab. or emigrant*. ti,ab. or immigrant*. ti,ab. or transient*. ti,ab. or migrant*. ti,ab. or exp eastern hemisphere/or exp oceanic regions/or exp western hemisphere/or cultur*. ti,ab. |
1. exp “emigrants and immigrants”/or exp population groups/or exp “transients and migrants”/or emigrant. ti,ab. or immigrant. ti,ab. or transient*. ti,ab. or migrant. ti,ab. or exp Minority Groups/or minority. ti,ab. or exp geographic locations/or Moroc*. ti,ab. or Turk*. ti,ab. or surinam*. ti,ab. or Antill*. ti,ab. or exp culture/or cultur*. ti,ab. |
1. exp “racial and ethnic groups”/or exp minority groups/or migrant*. ti,ab. or exp minority groups/or surinam*. ti,ab. or Turk*. ti,ab. or Moroc*. ti,ab. or Antill*. ti,ab. or exp “culture (anthropological)”/or exp diversity/or exp socio-cultural factors/or exp minority groups/or exp cultural sensitivity/or exp multiculturalism/ |
#1 MeSH descriptor Emigrants and Immigrants explode all trees; #2 MeSH descriptor Population Groups explode all trees; #3 MeSH descriptor Transients and Migrants explode all trees; #4 (emigrant): ti,ab,kw;#5 (immigrant): ti,ab,kw; #6 (transient*): ti,ab,kw; #7 (migrant): ti,ab,kw; #8 MeSH descriptor Minority Groups explode all trees;#9 (minority): ti,ab,kw; #10 MeSH descriptor Geographic Locations explode all trees; #11 (Moroc*): ti,ab,kw; #12 (Turk*): ti,ab,kw; #13 (surinam*): ti,ab,kw; #14 (Antill*): ti,ab,kw; #15 MeSH descriptor Culture explode all trees; #16 (cultur*): ti,ab,kw; #17 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR 15 OR #16); #18 MeSH descriptor Health Education explode all trees; #19 (Health Education): ti,ab,kw; #20 (Health Promotion): ti,ab,kw; #21 MeSH descriptor Health Promotion explode all trees; #22 MeSH descriptor Preventive Health Services explode all trees; #23 (prevent*): ti,ab,kw; #24 (interven*): ti,ab,kw; #25 (#18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24); #26 (#17 AND #25); #27 (#26), from 1997 to 2009 |
2. health education. ti,ab. or exp health education/or health promotion. ti,ab. or exp disease control/or preven*. ti,ab. or interven*. ti,ab |
2. exp Health Education/or health education. ti,ab. or exp Health Promotion/or health promotion. ti,ab. or exp Preventive Health Services/or interven*. ti,ab. or prevent*. ti,ab |
2. health promotion. ti,ab. or exp Health Promotion/or health education. ti,ab. or exp Health Education/or exp intervention/or exp prevention/or preven*. ti,ab. or interven*. ti,ab. |
Behavior specific supplement
3. exp “smoking and smoking related phenomena”/or exp smoking cessation/or exp nicotine replacement therapy/or exp smoking cessation program/or smok*. ti,ab. or tobacco. ti,ab |
3. exp Smoking/or smok*. ti,ab. or exp Smoking Cessation/or exp “Tobacco Use Cessation”/or tobacco. ti,ab. |
3. smoking cessation. mp. or exp smoking cessation/ |
#28 MeSH descriptor Tobacco Use Cessation explode all trees; #29 (smoking cessation): ti,ab,kw; #30 (#28 OR #29); #31 (#27 AND #30) |
Physical activity
Physical activity
Physical activity
Physical activity
3. (exp Exercise/or fitness/or exp Physical Education/or exp Sport/or exp Dancing/or exp Kinesiotherapy/or (physical$ adj5 (fit$ or train$ or activ$ or endur$)). tw. or ((exercis$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)) or sport$ or walk$ or bicycle$ or (exercise$ adj aerobic$) or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 activ$) or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 physical$)). tw.) |
3. exp Physical Exertion/or Physical Fitness/or exp “Physical Education and Training”/or exp Sports/or exp Dancing/or exp Exercise Therapy/or (physical$ adj5 (fit$ or train$ or activ$ or endur$)). tw. or (exercis$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)). tw. or sport$. tw. or walk$. tw. or bicycle$. tw. or (exercise$ adj aerobic$). tw. or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 activ$). tw. or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 physical$). tw. |
3. exp Exercise/or exp Physical Fitness/or exp Physical Education/or exp Sports/or exp dance/or exp Movement Therapy/or ((physical$ adj5 (fit$ or train$ or activ$ or endur$)) or ((exercis$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)) or sport$ or walk$ or bicycle$ or (exercise$ adj aerobic$) or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 activ$) or ((“lifestyle” or life-style) adj5 physical$))). tw. |
#28 MeSH descriptor Physical Exertion explode all trees; #29MeSH descriptor Physical Education and Training explode all trees; #30 MeSH descriptor Dancing explode all trees; #31 (physical*): ti,ab,kw; #32 (endur*): ti,ab,kw; #33 (exercis*): ti,ab,kw; #34 (sport*): ti,ab,kw; #35 (walk*): ti,ab,kw; #36 (bicycle*): ti,ab,kw; #37 (aerobic*): ti,ab,kw; #38 (lifestyle): ti,ab,kw; #39(life-style): ti,ab,kw; #40 (#28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39); #41 (#27 AND #40) |
3. nutrition*. ti,ab. or exp Body Weight/or exp Weight Reduction/or weight. ti,ab. or exp Diet Therapy/or exp Diet/or diet*. ti,ab. or diabet*. ti,ab. or exp Food Intake/or exp Nutritional Status/or exp Food Preference/ |
3. nutrition*. ti,ab. or exp Body Weight/or exp Weight Loss/or weight. ti,ab. or exp Diet Therapy/or exp Diet/or diet*. ti,ab. or diabet*. ti,ab. or “Food Habits”/or “Nutritional Status”/or “Food Preferences”/ |
3. nutrition*. ti,ab. or exp Body Weight/or exp Weight Loss/or weight. ti,ab. or exp Diets/or diet*. ti,ab. or diabet*. ti,ab. or exp FoodIntake/or exp Nutrition/or exp Food Preferences/ |
#28 (nutrition): ti,ab,kw; #29 MeSH descriptor; #30 Weight Loss explode all trees; #31weight loss: ti,ab,kw; #32MeSH descriptor Diet Therapy explode all trees; #33 MeSH descriptor Diet explode all trees; #34 (diet): ti,ab,kw; #35 MeSH descriptor Food Habits explode all trees; #36 MeSH descriptor Nutritional Status explode all trees; #37 MeSH descriptor Overweight explode all trees; #38 (#28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36); (#27 AND #37) |
4. 3 and 1 and 2 |
4. 3 and 1 and 2 |
4. 3 and 1 and 2 |
Time limit included in basic search |
5. limit 4 to year = ′′1997–2009′′ |
5. limit 4 to year = ′′1997–2009′′ |
5. limit 4 to year = ′′1997–2009′′ |