Electrostatic surface of Arabidopsis NTRd and TRXd of NTRC and the free chloroplast TRXs. (A) In the flavin reducing conformation, the NTRd of Arabidopsis NTRC has a negative surface charge (red) at the TRXd interaction site. (B) The corresponding site on the TRXd of NTRC is strongly positively charged (blue), facilitating electrostatic interactions with the oppositely charged surface of the NTRC domain. Ten free TRXs are found in Arabidopsis chloroplasts: TRXf1 (C), TRXf2 (D), TRXm1 (E), TRXm2 (F), TRXm3 (G), TRXm4 (H), TRXy1 (I), TRXy2 (J), TRXx (K) and TRXz (L). Of these, TRXf1, TRXf2 and TRXm3 share a positively charged patch at the same site as TRXd of NTRC. TRXf1 and TRXf2 have only one amino acid difference in the interaction surface and a similar overall shape, indicating that these could compensate for a non-functional TRXd of NTRC. The active site cysteines are marked by boxes, while Y162 on the NTRd and position 466 on the different Trx forms are circulated. Surface charges were calculated with the APBS tool in PyMOL and the color ranged from -7 to 7.