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. 2013 Sep 20;69(Pt 10):2061–2071. doi: 10.1107/S0907444913019197

Table 2. Hydrogen-bond interactions (in Å) in the T (PDB entry 2hhb), R (PDB entry 1aj9) and Hb ζ2β2 s structures.

In structures with a tetramer in the asymmetric unit, the contact distances shown are between the α1–β2 (ζ1–βs2) interface or β1–β1 or α1–α1 (ζ1–ζ2). Corresponding contact distances were also observed at the symmetry-related dimer interfaces. Similar contact interactions were also obtained when PDB entries 2dn2 (T structure) or 1ljw (R structure) were used in the analysis.

        Hb ζ2β2 s
Contact   T R ABCD EFGH
α1Thr38 OH β2His97 O 2.4
α1Thr41 OH β2His97 ND1
α1Thr38 OH β2Asp99 OD1
α1Tyr42 OH β2Asp99 OD1 2.5 2.4 2.4
α1Asp94 OD2 β2Asn102 ND2 3.2
α1Asn97 ND2 β2Asp99 OD1 2.8 2.9 2.8
α1Leu91/Ile90 O β2Arg40 NE 2.8 3.4 2.8
α1Arg92 O β2Arg40 NE 3.3
α1Asp94 OD1 β2Trp37 NE1 3.0 3.3
β1His146 NE β1Asp94 OD 2.8 2.7 2.6
β1His146 OT α2Lys40 NZ 2.5 2.7 2.7
α1Arg141 NH2 α2Asp126 OE 2.7
α1Arg141 OT α2Lys127 NZ 2.8
α1Tyr140 OH α1Val93 O 2.7 2.8
α1Arg141 NH β2Trp37 NE 3.3 Disorder
α1Arg141 NH α1Arg92 O 3.4 Disorder
α1Arg141 NH α1Asp94 OD 3.7 Disorder
α1Glu138 OE1 α1Arg92 NH2 3.2 Disorder