Figure 6.
qRT-PCR analysis of FaEGS1a,b and FaEGS2 expression, and eugenol quantification in different strawberry tissues. A, FaEGS1a,b and FaEGS2 relative transcript levels in vegetative tissues and during fruit development and ripening. L, Leaves; Rt, roots; CF, closed flowers; OF, open flowers; G, green fruit; W, white fruit; R, red fruit. B, Relative transcript levels of FaEGS1a,b and FaEGS2 in green (G), white (W), and red (R) achenes and receptacles. C, Eugenol quantification expressed as nanograms per gram fresh weight (FW; left) and as nanograms per gram dry weight (DW; right) in green (G), white (W), and red (R) achenes and receptacles. Each value is the mean of three independent biological replicates. Error bars indicate se. The different letters above the columns indicate values that differ significantly from each other according to Fisher’s lsd test (P < 0.05). The lsd test was performed separately for achene and receptacle eugenol data presented in C. The statistical analyses were performed with Statgraphics Centurion XVI software. ND, Not detected.