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. 2013 Oct 9;4:621. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00621

Table 1.

Summary of EEG/MEG studies investigating high-frequency neural oscillations in patients with chronic schizophrenia and healthy controls during visual perceptual tasks.

Paradigm Imaging modality Oscillatory measure Parameter assessed Main findings References
Steady state stimulation EEG Evoked Amplitude 17–30 Hz range amplitude decrease over occipital electrodes Krishnan et al., 2005
Backward masking EEG Evoked Amplitude 30–40 Hz range amplitude decrease across electrodes Wynn et al., 2005
EEG Evoked Amplitude/Latency 30–35 Hz range amplitude decrease over parieto-occipital electrodes Green et al., 2003
Oddball detection EEG Evoked Inter-trial phase-locking Decreased 30–38 Hz range phase-locking over parieto-occipital electrodes Spencer et al., 2008
Illusory square EEG Evoked Inter-trial phase-locking Decreased 28–35 Hz range phase-locking over parieto-occipital electrodes Spencer et al., 2004
Induced Inter-trial phase-locking i) Decreased 30–45 Hz range phase-locking
ii) Decrease in peak phase-locking frequency (at 22–26 Hz cf. controls) over occipital and parietal electrodes in response-locked analysis
Evoked Inter-trial phase-locking i) Decreased 24–48 Hz phase-locking
ii) Decrease in peak phase-locking frequency in response to ‘No-Square’ stimuli over occipital and central electrodes Spencer et al., 2003
Induced Inter-sensor phase-coherence Long-range 20–26 Hz range decrease in phase-locking
Inter-hemispheric decrease in peak phase-coherence frequency (37–44 Hz cf. 48–57 Hz) particularly over posterior electrodes
Mooney faces MEG Evoked Amplitude i) 25–140 Hz range amplitude decrease, especially pronounced in the 60–140 Hz range Grützner et al., 2013
ii) 25–60 Hz range fronto-central amplitude increase
Inter-trial phase-locking Decreased 60–140 Hz range phase-locking
Induced Amplitude 60–140 Hz range amplitude decrease over occipital sensors
EEG Induced Amplitude Insignificant difference in the 40–70 Hz range across electrodes Uhlhaas et al., 2006a
Inter-trial phase-locking Decreased and delayed onset latency of 20–55 Hz range phase-locking
Inter-sensor phase-coherence Decreased 20–30 Hz phase-coherence between fronto-temporal and parieto-occipital electrodes

Main findings of these studies are reported in brief, highlighting the frequency range of significant effects observed in patients cf. healthy controls.