Table 1.
Summary of EEG/MEG studies investigating high-frequency neural oscillations in patients with chronic schizophrenia and healthy controls during visual perceptual tasks.
Paradigm | Imaging modality | Oscillatory measure | Parameter assessed | Main findings | References |
Steady state stimulation | EEG | Evoked | Amplitude | 17–30 Hz range amplitude decrease over occipital electrodes | Krishnan et al., 2005 |
Backward masking | EEG | Evoked | Amplitude | 30–40 Hz range amplitude decrease across electrodes | Wynn et al., 2005 |
EEG | Evoked | Amplitude/Latency | 30–35 Hz range amplitude decrease over parieto-occipital electrodes | Green et al., 2003 | |
Oddball detection | EEG | Evoked | Inter-trial phase-locking | Decreased 30–38 Hz range phase-locking over parieto-occipital electrodes | Spencer et al., 2008 |
Illusory square | EEG | Evoked | Inter-trial phase-locking | Decreased 28–35 Hz range phase-locking over parieto-occipital electrodes | Spencer et al., 2004 |
Induced | Inter-trial phase-locking | i) Decreased 30–45 Hz range phase-locking | |||
ii) Decrease in peak phase-locking frequency (at 22–26 Hz cf. controls) over occipital and parietal electrodes in response-locked analysis | |||||
Evoked | Inter-trial phase-locking | i) Decreased 24–48 Hz phase-locking | |||
ii) Decrease in peak phase-locking frequency in response to ‘No-Square’ stimuli over occipital and central electrodes | Spencer et al., 2003 | ||||
Induced | Inter-sensor phase-coherence | Long-range 20–26 Hz range decrease in phase-locking | |||
Inter-hemispheric decrease in peak phase-coherence frequency (37–44 Hz cf. 48–57 Hz) particularly over posterior electrodes | |||||
Mooney faces | MEG | Evoked | Amplitude | i) 25–140 Hz range amplitude decrease, especially pronounced in the 60–140 Hz range | Grützner et al., 2013 |
ii) 25–60 Hz range fronto-central amplitude increase | |||||
Inter-trial phase-locking | Decreased 60–140 Hz range phase-locking | ||||
Induced | Amplitude | 60–140 Hz range amplitude decrease over occipital sensors | |||
EEG | Induced | Amplitude | Insignificant difference in the 40–70 Hz range across electrodes | Uhlhaas et al., 2006a | |
Inter-trial phase-locking | Decreased and delayed onset latency of 20–55 Hz range phase-locking | ||||
Inter-sensor phase-coherence | Decreased 20–30 Hz phase-coherence between fronto-temporal and parieto-occipital electrodes |
Main findings of these studies are reported in brief, highlighting the frequency range of significant effects observed in patients cf. healthy controls.