Figure 3.
C-alpha trace of the structural models produced by WAM. (A) Overlay of main chains of the five CLL three-dimensional structures. For CLL no. 209, the consensus L-chain amino acid sequence was added for WAM analysis. B-CLL L chains are shown in blue color (hypervariable loops L1, L2, and L3 in light blue), and H chains are shown in green color (hypervariable loops H1, and H2 in light green). The different H3 loop structures are color-coded, as noted by the lime green, red, black, purple, and dark green lines in the H3 area. Figure was prepared with MOLSCRIPT (91), and Raster3D (92). (B and C) Electrostatic and molecular surface representation of the structure of CLL no. 039 as a model representative of the B-CLL cases of nonbulged conformation (nos. 039 and 114; B) and of the CLL no. 057 as a model of the cases of bulged conformation (nos. 057, 202, and 209; C). Negative surface potentials are indicated in red, positive surface potentials in blue, and neutral potentials in white. The arginine L96 side chain is shown in yellow CPK representation. The structures are shown from a top view (left panels) and from a side view, corresponding to an approximately 70° rotation relative to the top view (right panels). Figures were prepared with GRASP (93). Arg L96; arginine L96 side chain.