Quantification of Dvl cortical localisation in CE chordamesoderm cells. (a)–(c) Plot of average, fractional fluorescence of Dvl and dextran in the four domains of the cell and the average ratio between Dvl and dextran signal. (a) Non-NSB captured cells bipolarly protruding, towards and away from the NSB (n=34). (b) Non-NSB captured cells monopolarly protruding, towards the NSB (n=31). (c) Non-NSB captured cells monopolarly protruding, away from the NSB (n=24). Error bars represent ±2×standard deviation. (d) Schematic diagram summarising the statistically significant accumulations of Dvl/Dex fluorescence ratio over the entire population of cells analysed. Both bipolarly protruding and NSB-directed protruding cells show Dvl/Dex accumulation in NSB-directed protrusions compared to other cell domains, as indicated. Asterisks represent significance levels for each domain-pairwise comparison, where (⁎⁎⁎) represents p<0.001, (⁎⁎) is p<0.01 and (⁎) is p<0.05. The distances of cells to the NSB are not to scale.