Fig. 3.
Agonist treatment slows lateral diffusion of Y receptors which undergo rapid endocytosis. Histograms compare pooled data for diffusion co-efficients (A) and particle concentrations (B) from FCS experiments in 293TR cells induced to express Y1sfGFP (n = 117–148 cells), Y16AsfGFP (n = 87–95), Y2sfGFP (n = 47–50) and Y2H155PsfGFP (n = 35–51) receptors. Open bars represent vehicle treated cells, whilst solid bars represent measurements made after 15 min NPY (100 nM) pre-treatment at 37 °C. Significant differences between control and NPY treated groups are indicated by ** p < 0.01 (Kruskal–Wallis, followed by Dunn's post test).