Figure 8.
Mechanistic studies of abasic siRNAs. (A) HTT mRNA levels after treating with 25 nM of abasic duplex RNAs in HD patient fibroblasts (GM04281, CAG 69/17). siHdh1 is a positive control siRNA targeting HTT mRNA at a sequence outside the trinucleotide repeat region. (B) In vitro cleavage assay using RNA antisense strands and recombinant human AGO2 protein. Ladder: radiolabeled 10-nt DNA markers; NT: no treatment; REP: fully complementary anti-CAG siRNA; H153: fully complementary siRNA targeting HTT upstream region of CAG repeat; AB3 and AB6 are abasic-substituted siRNAs. (C) RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) using an anti-AGO2 antibody reveals association of AGO2/siRNA complexes with HTT mRNA (GM04281). (D) Abasic siRNA AB8 selectively inhibits mutant HTT or ataxin-3 expression in a cooperative manner.