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. 2013 Oct 10;7(10):e2302. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002302

Table 5. Summary of studies on interventions in neurotoxic envenoming.

Intervention Author; year; [reference] Snake spp. No. of pts Method Outcome
Antivenom Agarwal et al.; 2005; [94] mixed 55—needing ventilation Low-dose vs. high-dose antivenom No difference between high and low doses
Antivenom Ha et al.; 2010; [175] B. multicinctus 81 Non-randomized, controlled trial (historical control) Antivenom effective—reduces duration of weakness, ventilation, and ICU stay
Antivenom vs. edrophonium Watt et al.; 1989; [30] N. philippensis 8 Randomized, double-blind trial Antivenom not effective; Edrophonium effective
Antivenom; edrophonium Phillips et al.; 1988; [69] D. russelii 23 Descriptive case series Antivenom not effective; Edrophonium not effective
Antivenom and neostigmine Anil et al.; 2010; [27] B. caeruleus 54 Descriptive case series Antivenom not effective; Neostigmine not effective
Edrophonium Watt et al.; 1986; [35] N. philippensis 10 Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial Edrophonium effective—with improvement in clinical and neurophysiological parameters
Edrophonium and 3,4-DAP Trevett et al.; 1995; [46] O. scutellatus 50 Placebo-controlled trial No significant improvement with edrophonium or 3,4-DAP