Figure 4. CCR2 deficiency inhibits bone marrow-derived myofibroblast formation in obstructive nephropathy.
A. Representative photomicrographs of CD45 and α-SMA immunostaining in the kidneys of WT and CCR-KO mice 2 weeks after UUO. B. Quantitative measurements of α-SMA protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice 4 weeks after UUO. ** P <0.01 vs WT controls; ## P <0.01 vs WT UUO; + P <0.05 vs KO UUO. n=6 per group. C. Representative photomicrographs of CD45 and FSP-1 immunostaining in the kidneys of WT and CCR-KO mice 2 weeks after UUO. D. Quantitative measurements of FSP-1 protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice 2 weeks after UUO. ** P <0.01 vs WT controls; # P <0.05 vs WT UUO; + P <0.05 vs KO UUO. n=6 per group. E. Representative Western blots show the levels of α-SMA protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice. F. Quantitative analysis of α-SMA protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice. ** P <0.01 vs WT controls; # P <0.05 vs WT UUO; + P <0.05 vs KO UUO. n=5 per group. G. Representative Western blots show the levels of FSP-1 protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice. H. Quantitative analysis of FSP-1 protein expression in the kidneys of WT and CCR2-KO mice. * P <0.05 vs WT controls; # P <0.05 vs WT UUO; + P <0.05 vs KO UUO. n=5 per group.